VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual

From VTX Public Wiki

Revision as of 10:14, 3 February 2021 by Mlr (talk | contribs) (→‎Voice Dial Plan: Call VTX VPBX Groups from Teams : Add a dialplan to match 3 digits groups with their +e164 number format)
Teams Virtual Service new.png

With VTX Teams Virtual, smoothly integrate Microsoft Teams environment within a VTX VPBX Telephony solution to get a complementary hybrid solution that would fit all your needs.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

The purpose of this page is to explain how to setup and manage a VTX Teams Virtual service to integrate it within your Microsoft 365 domain. A presentation of the service is available at https://www.vtx.ch/fr/corporate/telephonie/teams-virtual and https://www.vtx.ch/de/corporate/telefonie/teams-virtual

How does it work ?[edit | edit source]

VTX Teams Virtual allows to integrate Teams accounts into the VTX VPBX service as if they were simple softphones ( Ex : VTX DesktopControl and VTX MobileControl ) allowing to provide an hybrid environment. You can keep having some users using SIP phones only, some other users using only Teams, and some others using both SIP phones and Teams Client in the same time.

Technically, Microsoft Teams acts as a "PBX" with one main auto configured SIP trunk connection towards VTX Telephony platform handling calls and numbers hosted on Teams. VTX Virtual PBX service provides one connection per phone number allowing phones to be used in different locations and adding several features like groups, headnumbers, timecondition, BLF, IVR, Dedicated Confrence on top of them. The power of the VTX Teams Virtual Service is to merge these 2 services together integrating a number of the Teams Connect as if it was any SIP phone within the VPBX.

So you could be using in parallel a Snom/Yealink/Gigaset SIP phone + VTX Softphones ( MobileControl + DesktopControl ) + Teams ( on PC and Mobile too ), all these phones would ring if you receive an incoming call and all these phones would allow you to call out

Please refer to VoIP:VTX_Teams_Virtual#VTX_Teams_Virtual_value_added_features to get the list of all Value added features of VTX Teams Virtual

Setup Process Overview[edit | edit source]

Here is the process that will allow you to setup the service

  1. Follow requirements below VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Requirements
    1. Order VTX Teams Virtual: You need to order a VTX Teams Virtual service at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#VTX_Teams_Virtual
    2. Order Microsoft 365: You need to have or order a Microsoft 365 account at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#A_Microsoft_365_domain_and_accounts
    3. Powershell: Use a Windows PC or Server to create routing and assign numbers at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Microsoft_Windows_PC.2FServer_with_Powershell
  2. Setup Domain in VTX Kiosk: You will link your VTX Teams Virtual domain with your Microsoft account at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Link_your_.3CSERVICE_NUMBER.3E.teams.ipvoip.ch_Domain_between_Microsoft_and_VTX_Telephony_platform
  3. Create enableteams temporarily user : Create a temporarily user to allow creating routing at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Create_a_temporarily_user_in_the_.3Cservicenumber.3E.teams.ipvoip.ch_domain
  4. Create Voice Routing: You will create the Voice Routing within Microsoft Teams platform at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Voice_Routing_:_Create_Voice_Routing_to_allow_your_users_to_use_VTX_Teams_Virtual
  5. Assign Numbers: You will assign numbers to your users and start using VTX Teams Virtual service at VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts
  6. Test Numbers: Use the VTX xx 566 xx xx test number to validate your setup BEFORE the porting date
  7. Port Numbers: Once your setup is ready, you will ask VTX to enable the service with your real numbers ( Ported Numbers or VTX Numbers ) in order to connect "Teams" to the "standard" telephony networks. This process allows to migrate your telephony service without interruption.

VTX Teams Virtual value added features[edit | edit source]

Here are the lists of features that you can use with Teams with VTX integration

Requirements[edit | edit source]

You will find below all the needed requirements to use VTX Teams Virtual Service

  • A VTX Teams Virtual service
  • A Microsoft 365 domain and accounts with the needed Microsoft licenses ( Microsoft Teams + Microsoft 365 Phone System )
  • A Microsoft Windows PC/Server with Powershell app and the needed modules to assign numbers to users ( we are working on an integration in the Kiosk too )
  • An Internet Connection + optional Firewall rules
  • a PC/macbook/iOS/Android device or a "Yealink Teams Edition" phone ( or a combination of those) per teams user

VTX Teams Virtual[edit | edit source]

VTX Teams Virtual service allows a smooth and easy integration between Microsoft 365 Teams services and the telephony world ( PSTN ) allowing you to use Microsoft service to pass and receive calls using Desktop (PC/macOS) or Mobile Teams application (Android/iOS) or dedicated Teams Desktop Phones. We are using redundant Microsoft validated SBC (Session Border Controller) from Audiocodes to integrate Microsoft Cloud with VTX Telephony platform, and we did automatize the integration to allow flexibility for our partners and customers. As a consequence, no telephony trunk setup is needed on your side.

  1. Please order a VTX Teams Virtual service using https://www.vtx.ch/fr/corporate/telephonie/teams-virtual or https://www.vtx.ch/de/corporate/telefonie/teams-virtual
  2. You will get a Kiosk account VTX Kiosk interface account from which you will be able to manage and setup your service

A Microsoft 365 domain and accounts[edit | edit source]

  • A Microsoft 365 domain and account : You need to have or order a Microsoft 365 account from https://signup.microsoft.com/
    • You need to own your own domain name like yourcompanyname.ch . It is not allowed to create Microsoft 365 domain on "shared" domains like vtxnet.ch , google.com, yahoo.com, .... You can order one from VTX => FR or DE
    • Make sure to enable "Skype For Business" on your domain in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/Domains to allow autoconfiguration.
    • That will include a Microsoft domain for your enterprise like enterprise.onmicrosoft.com ( or your own enterprise internet name if by example you migrated your emails to Microsoft )
    • A Microsoft 365 Admin account that will be able to buy and affect licenses to your users ( created during signup and giving you access to https://admin.microsoft.com )
  • A Microsoft 365 Domain provided by VTX when you subscribe to VTX Teams service like <servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch ( ex: 123456.teams.ipvoip.ch visible in Kiosk )
  • A Microsoft 365 admin account with at least the following right (Usually the one used by partner or IT to create user and assign license. Please use "Show all by category" button to see them)
    • Identity / Domain Name Administrator Admin right ( to be able to enable the domain <servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch )
    • Identity / User Administrator Admin right ( to be able to create users)
    • Identity / License Administrator Admin right (to assign licenses)
    • Collaboration / Skype For Business Administrator Admin right
    • Collaboration / Teams Administrator Admin right
    • Collaboration / Teams communication Administrator Admin right
    • Collaboration / Teams communication Support Engineer Admin right
    • Collaboration / Teams communication Support Specialist Admin right
  • A Microsoft 365 user account enableteams@<servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch ( First Name: "Temp User" / Last Name : "VTX Teams" / Login : enableteams@<servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch / No Admin Right / "Teams" and "Phone System" licenses ). It will be used to enable Teams in <servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch domain and can be deleted once Voice Routing rules have been successfully created
    • A Microsoft 365 Phone System license ( Temporarily license to create the routing rules, you can disable the license or use it for another user afterwards )
    • The Microsoft Teams App ( Temporarily license to create the routing rules, you can disable the license or use it for another user afterwards )
  • For all your users wishing to have a telephone number afterwards, a Microsoft Teams + a Microsoft 365 Phone System license are needed
    • A "Microsoft Teams" license: provided by a lot of bundles like "Common Area Phone" or "Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud" or E1 or E3 or E5 or ... )
    • A "Microsoft 365 Phone System" License: provided by "Common Area Phone" or "Microsoft 365 Phone System" or E5 or ... (not included in E1 or E3!)

VTX Teams - Minimum bundle that includes "Teams" and "Phone System"
VTX Teams - Minimum bundle that includes "Teams" and "Phone System"

Microsoft Windows PC/Server with Powershell[edit | edit source]

  1. Verify that powershell is installed on your PC VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Powershell_version
  2. Install One of the 2 powershell modules : MicrosoftTeams powershell module is now preferred
    1. (new) MicrosoftTeams Powershell Module VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#MicrosoftTeams_:_Install_the_module
    2. (old) Skype For Business OnlineConnector Powershell module VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#.28old.29_SkypeOnlineConnector_:_Install_the_.22Skype_for_Business_Online.22_Powershell_module

(optional) Firewall Access Rules[edit | edit source]

If your are using a Firewall with Access List restrictions, you can find the details of IP ranges to allow at Network:Firewall:Configuration#Teams_Connect.2FVirtual_Firewall_Rules

Video Training[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Introduction[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Requirements[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Setup Domain in VTX Kiosk[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Create enableteams temporarily user[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Create Voice Routing[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Assign Numbers[edit | edit source]

Video Training : VTX Teams - Test Calls & VTX Value added features[edit | edit source]

Video Training : Microsoft Teams app Usage[edit | edit source]

Microsoft Videos : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/microsoft-teams-video-training-4f108e54-240b-4351-8084-b1089f0d21d7

VTX Teams Virtual Kiosk Management[edit | edit source]

Hardware Management Module : Assign the Microsoft Teams Virtual license[edit | edit source]

  1. Connect to VTX Kiosk Hardware Module with the Admin Credentials of your VTX VPBX service => https://kiosk.vtx.ch
  2. Go in the manage my IP Phones section => https://kiosk.vtx.ch/VoIP/ManageToIP.aspx
  3. Assign the Microsoft Teams Virtual license to the needed numbers

Manage my IP Phones module - Assign a Microsoft Teams Virtual license to one number

Link your <SERVICE_NUMBER>.teams.ipvoip.ch Domain between Microsoft and VTX Telephony platform[edit | edit source]

  1. Connect to VTX Kiosk Hardware Module with the Admin Credentials of your VTX VPBX service => https://kiosk.vtx.ch
  2. (optional) Go in the manage "Your Virtual PBX" section => https://kiosk.vtx.ch/HuntGroup/Choice.aspx and select the VPBX you are setting up
  3. Click the TEAMS VIRTUAL Setup button ( cf below ) => https://kiosk.vtx.ch/VoIP/ManageTeams.aspx
  4. Follow al the setup stage carefully
Click the Configure TEAMS VIRTUAL icon to access to the Domain Link wizard
Follow the setup wizard in the Kiosk

Microsoft Teams Management[edit | edit source]

Connect to Microsoft 365 Admin Portal[edit | edit source]

Create a temporarily user in the <servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch domain[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: We wish to create a enableteams@<servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch to enable Teams connection towards VTX VoIP platform
  • Solution: Please follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home#/users
  2. Create a new user enableteams@<servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch ( First Name: "Temp User" / Last Name : "VTX Teams" / Login : enableteams@<servicenumber>.teams.ipvoip.ch / No Admin Right / "Teams" and "Phone System" licenses / No need to remember its password, we won't connect with it).
  3. Wait a few seconds/minutes/hours for Teams to be enabled on this user https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/teamsprovisioning
  4. Now even after user is created you night need to wait minutes/hours before being able to create Voice Routing ( especially the New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute ), so if you can please wait 4hours, if not, try to create the routing, if you get error, try again
  5. Once everything is working ( routing + user mapping + incoming and outgoing calls ), you can delete this user to free up the licenses

Voice Routing : Create Voice Routing to allow your users to use VTX Trunk[edit | edit source]

Now you will need to setup a routing plan. You can use one of the following options to do it

  • Using a Powershell Script that will ask you questions
  • Manually in Powershell

Microsoft Admin Center - Up to 24h Latency for each setup

Create Voice Routing using a VTX Powershell Script VTX_Teams_Create_Routing_Rules.ps1[edit | edit source]

  1. Download https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Create_Routing_Rules.ps1 on your computer ( Right Click on the link / Download )
  2. Open it with Wordpad and use Ctrl-s to save it again ( to inform the system that it is local script )
  3. Execute it on your PC : It will ask you for these parameters and create the routing
    1. VTX Teams Domain : ex: 123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
    2. Your MS Teams Admin Credentials : ex: admin@COMPANY.onmicrosoft.com

Or Create Voice Routing manually in Powershell Command Prompt[edit | edit source]

  1. Open a powershell prompt on your PC
  2. Copy paste command below one by one changing the values in bold with your own
# Set Variables
$TeamsDomain = "123456.teams.ipvoip.ch"
# Connect to Microsoft Teams management and create all Voice Routing
Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Add="CsOnlinePstnUsage-$TeamsDomain"}
New-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -Identity "CsOnlineVoiceRoute-$TeamsDomain" -Priority 0 -NumberPattern '.*' -OnlinePstnGatewayList "$TeamsDomain" -OnlinePstnUsages "CsOnlinePstnUsage-$TeamsDomain"
New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-$TeamsDomain" -OnlinePstnUsages "CsOnlinePstnUsage-$TeamsDomain"
Set-CsCallingLineIdentity -Identity Global -EnableUserOverride $True

# Verify all setup ( You can compare it with the Debug Section in the wiki ) 

# Logout

Number Mapping : Assign/Unassign numbers to Microsoft accounts[edit | edit source]

Now you will need to assign a number and a routing plan to each user with a "Microsoft 365 Phone System" license. You can use one of the following options to do it

  • Using a Powershell Script that will ask you questions
  • Manually in Powershell

Assign/Unassign numbers using a VTX Powershell Script VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1[edit | edit source]

  1. Download https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1 on your computer ( Right Click on the link / Download )
  2. Open it with Wordpad and use Ctrl-s to save it again ( to inform the system that it is local script )
  3. Execute it on your PC : It will ask you for these parameters and create the routing
    1. VTX Teams Domain : ex: 123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
    2. Your MS Admin Credentials for : ex: admin@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com
    3. The MS Team user email : ex: first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com
    4. The Telephone number you wish to set : ex: +41225661234 / or leave string empty to unassign number from user

Here is a list of screenshots to see how the script works

Teams Assignment - 1st Warning - Is routing OK ?
Teams Assignment - Enter the Teams Domain Provided by VTX
Teams Assignment - Enter Teams Admin email
Teams Assignment - Enter Teams User Email
Teams Assignment - Enter Teams User Phone Number or use empty string to remove the number
Teams Assignment - Disable voicemail on the user ?
Teams Assignment - Setup another user ?
Teams Assignment - List all user setup ?
Teams Assignment - 1st Warning - Is routing OK ?

Or Assign numbers manually in Powershell Command Prompt[edit | edit source]

  1. Open a powershell prompt on your PC
  2. Copy paste command below one by one changing the values in bold with your own
# Set Variables
$TeamsDomain = "123456.teams.ipvoip.ch"
$TeamsUserEmail = "first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com"
$TeamsUserNumber = "+41215661234"
# Connect to Microsoft Teams management and assign number and profile to the user
# Assign a number to your user and the Call Routing
Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "$TeamsUserEmail" -PhoneNumber "$TeamsUserNumber" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
# Assign a Voice Routing Policy to your user to allow it to call out towards external numbers
Grant-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity $TeamsUserEmail -PolicyName "CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-$TeamsDomain"
# Disable voicemail of the user to prevent that it answers all calls if user is not connected
Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity $TeamsUserEmail -VoicemailEnabled $false
# Wait 60s for settings to be applied
Sleep -s 60
# Verify Your setup 
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $TeamsUserEmail | Select EnterpriseVoiceEnabled,OnPremLineURI,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,RegistrarPool | Format-List
# List all users with EnterPrise Voice Enabled
Get-CsOnlineUser ` -Filter {(enterprisevoiceenabled -eq $true)} ` | Select sipaddress,HostedVoicemailPolicy,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,lineuri | Format-List
# Logout

Or Unassign numbers manually in Powershell Command Prompt[edit | edit source]

  1. Open a powershell prompt on your PC
  2. Copy paste command below one by one changing the values in bold with your own
# Set Variables
$TeamsDomain = "123456.teams.ipvoip.ch"
$TeamsUserEmail = "first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com"
$TeamsUserNumber = "+41215661234"
# Connect to Microsoft Teams management and assign or unassign number and profile to the user
# Unassign a number to your user and the Call Routing
Remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity "$TeamsUserEmail" -PhoneNumber "$TeamsUserNumber" -PhoneNumberType DirectRouting
# Verify Your setup 
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $TeamsUserEmail | Select EnterpriseVoiceEnabled,OnPremLineURI,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,RegistrarPool | Format-List
# List all users with EnterPrise Voice Enabled
Get-CsOnlineUser ` -Filter {(enterprisevoiceenabled -eq $true)} ` | Select sipaddress,HostedVoicemailPolicy,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,lineuri | Format-List
# Logout

Voice Dial Plan[edit | edit source]

Call colleagues with their 4 digits numbers : Add a dialplan to match 4 digits extension with their +e164 number format[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: Teams will only allow you to call +e164 numbers, and if you do not have a number with the correct format, it will automatically add a +41 prefix ( country depending of the country of your user ) . So you are not able to call other extensions belonging to the VPBX with their extension number
  • Problematic: You would like to add some dial plan mapping to allow this
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Read https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/microsoftteams/create-and-manage-dial-plans to understand how it works
  2. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/teamsdialplan
  3. Edit the Global Dialplan to add mapping based on your needs
    1. Add a "Normalization rules" based on your needs. PS: There is a nice wizard to help you build it
    2. Ex: Here in the example we are adding a mapping to map extensions in 84xx format with +412287984xx
  4. You can test your extension mapping with the test tool
Normalization rules example for extension
Description Name Description Pattern Translation Explanation
Convert number 84xx

to +412287984xx

Short number 84xx Call colleagues using the 4 last digits of their number ^(84\d{2})$ +4122879$1 Takes a number dialed with 84xx and add "+4122879" in front of it
MS Teams - Dial Plan Setup

FIXME: Add more info about how to create it via powershell if needed

PS H:\> (Get-CsTenantDialPlan -Identity Global).NormalizationRules
Description         : Call Extension with their 4 number digits
Pattern             : ^(84\d{2})$
Translation         : +4122879$1
Name                : Call Extension with their 4 number digits
IsInternalExtension : False

Call VTX VPBX Groups from Teams : Add a dialplan to match 3 digits groups with their +e164 number format[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: It is the same problem with the VTX VPBX groups, Teams doesn't allow to dial short numbers, a group number like 201 will be be transformed as +41201 by Teams
  • Problematic: You would like to call VTX Kiosk VPBX groups (numbers [2-9]XX ) from Teams
  • Information: Each VPBX group number that you have to own a full +e164 number to be able to bill a correct number if you redirect a group to external numbers, i.e each group can also be reached using a +164 number with is one of your Main Number followed by the group number. Ex: for my test group 201, it can also be reached dialing +41228798400201. Unfortunately, you cannot know which of the Main Number is used for the group ( but it will be soon visible in Kiosk )
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. From a Teams phone or a SIP phone, dial your main number followed by the group number ( if not working, try with another main number followed by the group number )
  2. If the correct group is ringing, you have found the correct full number for the group
  3. And now you can add a dialplan like below

Description Name Description Pattern Translation Explanation
Convert Group numbers 2xx

to their full +e164 format

Group number 2xx Call VTX VPBX groups ^(2\d{2})$ +41228798400$1 Takes a number dialed with 2xx and add "+41228798400" in front of it

Dismantle the Service[edit | edit source]

Delete Voice Routing[edit | edit source]

Delete Voice Routing using a VTX Powershell Script VTX_Teams_Delete_Routing_Rules.ps1[edit | edit source]

  1. Download https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Delete_Routing_Rules.ps1 on your computer ( Right Click on the link / Download )
  2. Open it with Wordpad and use Ctrl-s to save it again ( to inform the system that it is local script )
  3. Execute it on your PC : It will ask you for these parameters and delete the routing
    1. VTX Teams Domain : ex: 123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
    2. Your MS Teams Admin Credentials : ex: admin@COMPANY.onmicrosoft.com

Or Delete Voice Routing manually in Powershell Command Prompt[edit | edit source]

Here are the commands you can use to delete the Voice Routing if you wish to migrate service somewhere else

  1. Open a powershell prompt on your PC
  2. Copy paste command below one by one changing the values in bold with your own
# Set Variables
$TeamsDomain = "123456.teams.ipvoip.ch"
# Connect to Microsoft Teams management

# Delete the Voice Routing
Remove-CsOnlineVoiceRoute -Identity "CsOnlineVoiceRoute-$TeamsDomain"
Remove-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Identity "CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-$TeamsDomain"
Set-CsOnlinePstnUsage -Identity Global -Usage @{Remove="CsOnlinePstnUsage-$TeamsDomain"}

# Logout

Powershell Management[edit | edit source]

Powershell version[edit | edit source]

What is my Powershell version ?[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to know which powershell version you are using
  • Solution: Start a Powershell shell and type the command "$PSVersionTable.PSVersion"
PS H:\> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion
Major  Minor  Build  Revision
-----  -----  -----  --------
5      1      19041  610

Install Powershell[edit | edit source]

Powershell Module Management[edit | edit source]

MicrosoftTeams Module[edit | edit source]

MicrosoftTeams : Install the module[edit | edit source]

  1. (optional) Uninstall the old SkypeOnlineConnector Powershell module in VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#.28old.29_SkypeOnlineConnector_:_Uninstall_the_module
  2. Open Start menu and search "powershell" ( click the small Arrow to open it in Administrator mode ) Make sure to run the embedded version
  3. Use the powershell commands below to install the module "Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 4.5.0" (later version might work, but we validated this one)
  4. Accept to install the module from Powershell PSRepository

Install the MicrosoftTeams 4.5.0 version

PS H:\> Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -RequiredVersion 4.5.0

Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository. If you trust this repository, change its
InstallationPolicy value by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to install the modules from
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "N"): Y

PS H:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable MicrosoftTeams
    Directory: H:\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     4.5.0      MicrosoftTeams                      {Add-TeamChannelUser, Add-TeamUser, Connect-MicrosoftTeams...

Start Powershell in Administrator mode
Powershell - Install MicrosoftTeams module

MicrosoftTeams : What is the installed version of the module[edit | edit source]

Normal output if you have install the version 4.5.0

PS H:\> Get-Module -ListAvailable MicrosoftTeams

    Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     4.5.0      MicrosoftTeams                      {Add-TeamChannelUser, Add-TeamUser, Connect-MicrosoftTeams...

Here is the output if you have 2 versions installed, you can use next section to delete the one you wish to remove

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Module -ListAvailable MicrosoftTeams

    Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script     4.5.0      MicrosoftTeams                      {Add-TeamChannelUser, Add-TeamUser, Connect-MicrosoftTeams...
Binary     2.0.0      MicrosoftTeams                      {Add-TeamUser, Connect-MicrosoftTeams, Disconnect-Microsof...

MicrosoftTeams : Update the module to last version[edit | edit source]

  1. Open Start menu and search "powershell" ( click the small Arrow to open it in Administrator mode ) Make sure to run the embedded version
  2. Use the powershell commands below to remove the module "Update-Module MicrosoftTeams"
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Update-Module MicrosoftTeams

MicrosoftTeams : Uninstall the module[edit | edit source]

  1. Open Start menu and search "powershell" ( click the small Arrow to open it in Administrator mode ) Make sure to run the embedded version
  2. Use the powershell commands below to remove the module "Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams"

Uninstall all versions of the module

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Uninstall-Module MicrosoftTeams

(old) SkypeOnlineConnector / Skype for Business Online[edit | edit source]

  • Information: The "Skype for Business Online" powershell module is being replaced with the MicrosoftTeams one, so please prefer using MicrosoftTeams now

(old) SkypeOnlineConnector : Install the "Skype for Business Online" Powershell module[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to install the old "Skype for Business Online" Powershell module
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Download and execute SkypeOnlinePowerShell.exe from https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=39366
  2. Open a Powershell shell from start menu IN ADMINISTRATOR MODE
  3. Type the commands below to import the module and verify its version
 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector

(old) SkypeOnlineConnector : What is the version installed ?[edit | edit source]

Here we can see that SkypeOnlineConnector in version is installed

 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Import-Module SkypeOnlineConnector
 PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Module -ListAvailable  SkypeOnlineConnector

    Directory: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business Online\Modules

ModuleType Version    Name                                ExportedCommands
---------- -------    ----                                ----------------
Script    SkypeOnlineConnector                {Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint, Get-CsOnlinePowerShellAcc...

(old) SkypeOnlineConnector : Uninstall the module[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Removing the module is recommended if you are now using the MicrosoftTeams module, because it provides the same fonctions in additional of new ones dedicated to MicrosoftTeams management
  • Problematic: You would like to uninstall the SkypeOnlineConnector module
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Open Start menu and search for "remove" to access the Settings / Add or Remove programs
  2. Search "skype"
  3. Click the uninstall button on "Skype for Business Online Powershell" module
Add or Remove - Uninstall SkypeOnlineConnector

Powershell VTX Script Management[edit | edit source]

Update all VTX Powershell scripts to last version[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to get the last version of all VTX Teams scripts
  • Solution: Simply follow the steps below
  1. Create a folder on your PC like "VTX Teams Scripts"
  2. Download https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Update_All_Scripts.ps1 and put it in this folder ( Righ Click on the link and download the target file )
  3. Execute VTX_Teams_Update_All_Scripts.ps1 in powershell ( right click on the script and select "Run with Powershell"
  4. In case of problem, you can use the table below to download each file one by one
Teams Script - Use Updater
Teams Script - Updater Output
Teams Script - New Files downloaded

VTX Teams Management Powershell Scriptst
Usage Script Name Link
Download or update all scripts VTX_Teams_Update_All_Scripts.ps1 wget https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Update_All_Scripts.ps1
Create VTX Teams Direct Routing

to be used only ones at 1st setup

VTX_Teams_Create_Routing_Rules.ps1 wget https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Create_Routing_Rules.ps1
Assign or Remove numbers to users VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1 wget https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1
Assign or Remove numbers to resources

not needed anymore, please use VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1

VTX_Connect_Teams_Assign_Resource_Numbers.ps1 wget https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Connect_Teams_Assign_Resource_Numbers.ps1
Unmap numbers for all users and resources

then, delete routing

VTX_Teams_Delete_Routing_Rules.ps1 wget https://wiki.vtx.ch/media/VTX_Teams_Delete_Routing_Rules.ps1

Debug[edit | edit source]

Start powershell script in Command Line to be able to see the errors[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: If you enter wrong credentials, or wrong domain, or if the domain or user is not yet ready on Microsoft side, you might get an error that disappears too quickly
  • Solution: use the powershell -File file.ps1 command to be able to see the errors

  1. Start a "cmd" ( Start menu and enter "cmd" + Enter to display the Black Window
  2. Use the command powershell -File file.ps1 ( replacing file.ps1 with the correct path of the ps1 file )
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


C:\>powershell -File "C:Users\bob\Desktop\VTX_Connect_Teams_Create_Routing_Rules
VTX Teams Connect domain name is XXXX.teams.ipvoip.ch
VTX Teams Admin Username is vtxadmin@XXXX.teams.ipvoip.ch
Connecting to Microsoft Online Management with the credentials you provided
Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint : The remote name could not be resolved:
At C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business
+ ... targetUri = Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint -TargetDomain $adminDomain ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoin
   t], WebException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Net.WebException,Microsoft.Rtc.Management

C:\>powershell -File "C:Users\bob\Desktop\VTX_Connect_Teams_Create_Routing_Rules

Verify Voice Routing[edit | edit source]

To verify Voice Routing, you can either use Powershell command lines or check from Admin Teams Web interface in the following 2 sections

Verify Voice Routing using Powershell[edit | edit source]

PS H:\> Get-CsOnlinePstnUsage
Identity : Global
Usage    : {CsOnlinePstnUsage-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch}

PS H:\> Get-CsOnlineVoiceRoute

Identity              : CsOnlineVoiceRoute-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
Priority              : 0
Description           :
NumberPattern         : .*
OnlinePstnUsages      : {CsOnlinePstnUsage-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch}
OnlinePstnGatewayList : {123456.teams.ipvoip.ch}
Name                  : CsOnlineVoiceRoute-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch

PS H:\> Get-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy

Identity         : Global
OnlinePstnUsages : {}
Description      :
RouteType        : BYOT

Identity         : Tag:CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
OnlinePstnUsages : {CsOnlinePstnUsage-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch}
Description      :
RouteType        : BYOT

PS H:\> Get-CsCallingLineIdentity

Identity                  : Global
Description               :
EnableUserOverride        : True
ServiceNumber             :
CallingIDSubstitute       : LineUri
BlockIncomingPstnCallerID : False

Verify Voice Routing using Teams Admin Web Interface[edit | edit source]

  1. Verify Voice Routing Rule
    1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/direct-routing/v2/voice-routes and verify the routing rule (cf screenshot)
  2. Verify Voice Routing Policy
    1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/teamsonlinevoicerouting and verify Voice Routing policy (cf screenshot )
    2. Name should be CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-<service_nummber>.teams.ipvoip.ch
    3. PSTN Usage Record should be CsOnlinePstnUsage-<service_nummber>.teams.ipvoip.ch

Microsoft Teams Admin - Verify Routing Rule
Microsoft Teams Admin - Verify Routing Policy
Microsoft Teams Admin - Verify PSTN Usage record

Verify User Setup[edit | edit source]

To verify User setup, you can either use Powershell command lines or check from Admin Teams Web interface in the following 2 sections

Verify User setup using Powershell[edit | edit source]

 # Set Variables
 $TeamsDomain = "123456.teams.ipvoip.ch"
 # Connect to Microsoft Teams management and assign number and profile to the user
 # Verify all users with correct setup using CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-$TeamsDomain
 Get-CsOnlineUser | Where-Object {($_.enterprisevoiceenabled -eq $true) -and ($_.OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy -Match "^CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-$TeamsDomain$") } | Select sipaddress,InterpretedUserType,HostedVoicemailPolicy,OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy,LineUri | Format-List
 SipAddress               : sip:bob.razovski@vtx-telecom.ch
 InterpretedUserType      : HybridOnlineTeamsOnlyUser
 HostedVoicemailPolicy    :
 OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy : CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
 LineUri                  : tel:+41215661234
 SipAddress               : sip:hello.man@vtx-telecom.ch
 InterpretedUserType      : HybridOnlineTeamsOnlyUser
 HostedVoicemailPolicy    :
 OnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy : CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-123456.teams.ipvoip.ch
 LineUri                  : tel:+41215661235

Verify User setup using Teams Admin Web Interface[edit | edit source]

  1. Verify user licenses
    1. Connect to https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/users and verify that your user does have a "Microsoft Teams" license and a "Microsoft 365 Phone System" license
    2. Verify in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/teamsprovisioning that your user Teams license provisioning is finished ( it can take several hours )
  2. Verify user number
    1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users and verify that "Phone Number" has been correctly setup via powershell
  3. Verify user routing rules
    1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/user and select your user
    2. Go in the Policies tab section and look at the last entry "Voice routing policy", is should be CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy-<service_number>.teams.ipvoip.ch
Microsoft Admin - Verify User license
Microsoft Admin - Verify Teams provisioning status
Microsoft Teams Admin - Verify user number
Microsoft Teams Admin - Verify user voice routing policy

Verify number provisioning in MS Teams app[edit | edit source]

  1. Verify the number on the MS Teams app
    1. Open the MS Teams app
    2. Go in the Calls section ( if you do not see it, then the "Phone System" license is not correctly set )
      1. (Mobile) You might get a popup informing that you have a new license and that app needs to be restarted
      2. (PC) Restart is not supposed to be needed, if you have waited a long time, please try to exit the app and start it back
    3. Verify that you can see the phone number in the Call section and that you can pass incoming and outgoing calls

Microsoft Teams App - Verify user number

FAQ[edit | edit source]

General Questions[edit | edit source]

Where can I find Microsoft Teams Admin and End User trainings ?[edit | edit source]

What are the differences between a "Teams Connect" and a "Teams Virtual" ?[edit | edit source]

Teams Connect Teams Virtual
Short Description VTX handles "only" the connection between Teams Cloud and the Telephony Network allowing you to operates real phone numbers on your Teams Client Teams Virtual allows an hybrid environment with SIP Phones and Teams Phones

The Intelligence remains handled in the VTX Kiosk

Analogy Like a VTX ConnectPBX product but to be used only with Teams Cloud ( preconfigured for Teams by VTX with a lot of automation ) a VTX VPBX service allowing you to use MS Teams client in parallel of normal SIP phones
VTX Service and Licenses Needed a "Teams Connect" ( billed per number of concurrent calls + number of numbers )

N/A per user

a VPBX Service ( billed per number of numbers )

a "Teams Virtual" license per user

Microsoft Licenses Needed Microsoft Teams per user

Microsoft Phone System per user

Microsoft Teams per user

Microsoft Phone System per user

Pros - Simple and Basic solution from VTX to add real numbers to your Teams accounts

- "Cheap" solution to use Microsoft Teams

- Allows an hybrid solution if you do not wish to have all your users and landing Zone to

use Microsoft Licenses.

- You can use a mix of simple SIP phones ( Gigaset, Snom, Yealink,... ), VTX Softphones (DeskopControl / MobileControl), Teams Softphones and Yealink Teams phones within the same user or on different users

- Allows to handle all Time Conditions and IVR and Groups within VTX Kiosk

Cons - Management of all intelligence in Teams Admin in less sexy than in the VTX Kiosk

- Doesn't allow to operate simple SIP phones within the same VTX service

Keep my @company.ch domain : Can I use VTX Teams service with my own Teams domain @company.ch ?[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You do own a Microsoft Teams domain like company.ch and you would like to integrate the accounts you have within a "VTX Teams Connect" or "VTX Teams Virtual"
  • Information:
    • When subscribing to a VTX Teams service, VTX will provide you with a teams domain like xxxx.teams.ipvoip.ch . This domain will be used to bridge your own Teams accounts ending with "@company.ch" with the VTX service. You will never need to force this domain for your end user
    • During the VTX Teams service setup, you will be asked to create one temporarily user with the @xxxx.teams.ipvoip.ch domain, but only one, and you can delete it as soon as service is running
    • The scrips provided by VTX will allow you to assign numbers to your @company.ch Teams users
  • Conclusion: Yes, you can use your own Teams domain @company.ch with VTX Teams service, no need to change your users domain

Multi-Provider : Can I use VTX Teams service in parallel of other provider services ?[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You do already have another provider that handles the telephony Direct trunking and you wish to also integrate a VTX Teams service
  • Information: VTX does provide a unique teams domain per service and also create unique Call Routing rules including this unique ID
  • Conclusion: Yes, it is possible to setup a VTX Teams service in parallel of an existing service from another provider. You will select which number is handled by which provider.

Migration[edit | edit source]

How to use Teams in parallel of my existing PBX ?[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You have some of users within a VTX "Connect PABX" that wish to use Teams ( keeping their number )
  • Information: Teams can be completely embedded within a VTX VPBX with the VTX Teams Virtual service. For PBX, integration is different.
  • Solution: There are 2 possible solutions

Solution 1: Move some numbers to Teams

  1. (VTX) Subscribe to a VTX Teams Virtual or VTX Teams Connect depending on your needs
  2. (Teams) Prepare your user in Teams with the desired number
  3. (VTX) Ask VTX to move the number from the PBX to Teams
  4. (PBX setup) Remove the number from PBX setup
  5. (PBX setup) Redirect internal number to full number. So if an internal user calls the short number or the full number of the colleague, it will go out from the PBX->VTX->Teams

Solution 2: Use Teams in parallel of existing phones behind the PBX: Incoming calls ringing on PBX + Teams, outgoing calls possible from PBX + Teams

  1. (VTX) Subscribe to a VTX Teams Virtual or VTX Teams Connect depending on your needs
  2. (Teams) Prepare your user in Teams with another VTX number ( new number provided by VTX that won't be shown when calling out )
  3. (Teams) Follow FAQ:Teams#CLIP_:_Number_Display_-_I_wish_to_display_a_different_number_than_my_direct_line_for_my_outgoing_calls to have this Teams account displaying the PBX number
  4. (PBX setup) Setup the PBX to have a parallel ringing between the user account on the PBX and the VTX Teams account

License Management[edit | edit source]

Microsoft Teams Shared Devices - Not working anymore on Web + Desktop Client - "You don't have the required permissions to access this org"[edit | edit source]

Features[edit | edit source]

Main Teams Features not related to VTX[edit | edit source]

The idea of this wiki is not to document how Teams App is working, but this Microsoft is doing a great job. So if you have questions about specific features in Teams ( not related to VTX), please have a look at their documentation

Teams GAB (Global Address Book) Directory Missing[edit | edit source]

  • Status: As incredible as it sounds, It doesn't seems possible to enable a Global Address Book directory for several Teams users
  • Actions: We have tried it and with Ops Team and even with an Azure Active Directory Premium license, it is not possible to create a global directory
  • Information
    • The feature request for a GAB ( Global Address Book ) was visible in E365 Roadmap in 2020 but was deleted afterwards
    • With a Team Virtual, it would be possible to have incoming call reverse lookup ( and only incoming call reverse lookup ) ! But not with a Connect Teams, info added in VoIP:VTX_Teams_Virtual#VTX_Teams_Virtual_value_added_features
    • Some external paying tools seems to allow to sync an external directory with each individual Teams Directory, but it gets tricky
  • References:

  • Conclusion:
    • VTX is not responsible for the lack of this missing features in Teams, and indeed this one doesn't seem to be possible
    • Some tweaks might be possible with full Office 365 integration but we haven't tested it

Delegate : Share a phone line with a delegate[edit | edit source]

  1. For "Teams Connect" users, you can already use this feature, it is allowed on VTX side, cf https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/share-a-phone-line-with-a-delegate-16307929-a51f-43fc-8323-3b1bf115e5a8
  2. for "Teams Virtual" users, please contact VTX support with this URL as reference to have VTX enabling this feature. ( VTX internal reference for automation is "Redmine #93076" )

Use Teams to follow "tel:" or "callto:" URL[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Once you have selected a default app to perform outgoing call, you will need to manually change it to use another Application to handle the tel: uri
  • Problematic: You wish to setup your PC to use Teams app for tel: and callto: URLs to directly call numbers from web browsers
  • Solution ( Windows 10 ) : Change the default app for tel uri
  1. Click on the link below to verify id your system is already setup to use Teams for tel: and callto: URLs, if not continue to follow the steps
  2. Go in Control Panel / Programs / Default Programs and click the "Set your default programs"
  3. Go in the bottom of the menu to "Set Defaults by app" and click on Teams
  4. Click the "Choose a default" and select Teams / Manage
  5. For URL:callto and URL:tel select "Teams"
  • Example: You can use the links below to perform tests
    • +41225117902 : VTX Echo test number without any link except if your browser is able to detect this as a number
    • tel:+41225117902: VTX Echo test number with tel: URI syntax
    • callto:+41225117902: VTX Echo test number with callto: URI syntax
Windows 10 - Default Program - Change tel uri for Teams
Windows 10 - File type and protocol associations - Change tel uri for TEams

Frequent Errors[edit | edit source]

New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy - Cannot find specified Online PSTN usage[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: When we run the script to create the call routing, you might get a red error that New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy is not working
  • Symptoms: When running the script to create the call routing, you might get an error "Cannot find specified Online PSTN usage"
  • Possible Explanation:
    • You forgot to create the temporary User "enableteams"
    • MS Teams platform is getting some delay and between the time we create the Online PSTN usage and the time we use it in Online Voice Routing Policy, we need to wait for Teams platform to get up to date
  • Solution:
  1. Verify that you did create the "enableteam" user, cf VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Create_a_temporarily_user_in_the_.3Cservicenumber.3E.teams.ipvoip.ch_domain
  2. Wait up to 4h and try again to use the script again

As you can see after some time, the same command did work

Teams Error - Cannot Find Online PSTN Usage - Wait a few hours and try again

Cannot Import Module SkypeOnlineConnector[edit | edit source]

Confirmation of the problem, here Execution Policy is Restricted, i.e disabled



Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force


Error that you are getting

Modules d'importation : Le fichier "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business
Online\Modules\SkypeOnlineConnectorSkypeOnlineConnectorStartup.psm1" ne peut pas être chargé, car l'exécution de
Les scripts sont désactivés sur ce système. Pour plus d'informations, voir "about_Execution_Policies".
En ligne:1 Caractère:1
+ modules d'importation "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business Onlin ...

+ CategoryInfo : Erreur de sécurité : ( 🙂 [Modules d'importation], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand

Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint : The remote name could not be resolved: 'lyncdiscover.xxx'[edit | edit source]

  • Problem : You get an red colored error when using the scripts
  • Symptoms: When starting to use a powershell script or command, you get an error like Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint : The remote name could not be resolved: 'lyncdiscover.xxx'
  • Possible Explanation: You are using an admin account where needed lyncdiscover.$DOMAIN DNS entry is not set correctly
  • Solution: You need to create the needed DNS entries on your main domain enabling the "Skype For Business" DNS check on your main domain in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/Domains
  • Workaround : Add the suffix "-OverrideAdminDomain $TeamsDomain" to the New-CsOnlineSession command

Teams Script - lyncdiscover error because DNS entry doesn't exist
Teams DNS entries - Create the needed DNS entries

AD Sync Problem[edit | edit source]

What are the numbers defined and used in Teams ?[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Teams is using the LineURI and OnPremLineURI parameters to define the number to be used by Teams ( cf below )
  • Problem: If you do have an AD sync with Azure Cloud that is overwriting these parameter, Teams telephony calls towards external numbers will stop working
  • Symptoms: You are getting a "404 Not found" error on incoming calls
  • Solution: Please follow the procedure below
  1. Use VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Verify_User_Setup to verify that number currently set for the Teams user
  2. Make sure your AD sync is not overwritten these fields or make sure it does set the same numbers
  3. Re-assign the number in Teams using VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts

Output of a Teams user listing all fields that contains a Switzerland number

# Set Variables
$TeamsUserEmail = "first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com"
# Connect to Microsoft Teams management
# Get the numbers used by a user
Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $TeamsUserEmail | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "41\d{9}"
OnPremLineURI                        : tel:+412156600xx
LineURI                              : tel:+412156600xx
# Logout

'OriginalRegistrarPool' with identity 'xxx' assigned to 'sip:first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com' has been removed from configuration store[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: When assigning a number to your user, you set this error """OriginalRegistrarPool' with identity 'xxx' assigned to 'sip:first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com' has been removed from configuration store"""
  • Information: When you are assigning a Teams number to a user, it might cleanup some old parameters used by old Lync setup like the OriginalRegistrarPool. This is normal and only a WARNING, not a ERROR
  • Solution : Please follow the procedure below
  1. Use [[VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Verify_User_Setup] to verify that number has been correctly setup for your user
  2. Use the command "Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $TeamsUserEmail" to get the full details output of the user you are debugging and look at the "TeamsUpgrade" and "RegistrarPool" outputs
  3. Search your error on Teams Forum
  4. If needed, get help from VTX

PS H:\> Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $TeamsUserEmail | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "TeamsUpgrade"
TeamsUpgradeEffectiveMode            : TeamsOnly
TeamsUpgradeNotificationsEnabled     : False
TeamsUpgradePolicyIsReadOnly         : ModeAndNotifications
TeamsUpgradePolicy                   :
TeamsUpgradeOverridePolicy           :
PS H:\> Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $TeamsUserEmail | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "RegistrarPool"
TargetRegistrarPool                  :
RegistrarPool                        : sippoolAM48976.infra.lync.com

Incoming Call Problem[edit | edit source]

403 Forbidden : License Problem / User is not Enterprise Voice enabled[edit | edit source]

  • History:
    • 2023-08: We had a nice problem where setup was not working because only some "Microsoft Teams Shared Devices" licenses were setup and not a single "Phone System". It was blocking setup of resources. In this case, please order one real "Phone System License" (@VTX: cf example t1990043)
  • Symptoms: You are calling a Teams number and you get a 403 error all the time from Teams
  • Solution: Use VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Verify_User_Setup to verify that your user is setup correctly and enable back the correct license
VoIP Analyser - Call Rejected because of bad license
SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
Server: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.11.29.1 i.EUWE.3
Reason: Q.850 ;cause=63 ;text="...;User is not Enterprise Voice enabled."

404 Not found : Number hasn't been assigned[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: You cannot call a Microsoft Teams number
  • Status: You have assigned a number to a "Microsoft Teams Virtual" in the Kiosk Hardware Module or the number belongs to a "Teams Connect", but incoming call towards this number are not working and are rejected.
  • Symptoms: When calling the number, you get a "404 Not Found" Number hasn't been assigned error
  • History:
  • Check to perform 1:
  1. (VoIP Analyzer for VTX Partners) Using VoIP Analyser, check the status of the number and verify that call was rejected by Microsoft Proxy with a 404 error
  2. (Teams Domain) Verify in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/Domains that you did enable the <service_number>.teams.ipvoip.ch domain for MS Teams
  3. (Teams + Phone System) Verify in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/users that you did enable Teams + Phone System to your user
  4. (Number) Verify in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users that you did assign the correct Phone number to your user

VoIP Analyser - Call sent to Teams but rejected

480 Temporarily Unavailable : Call ringing for 20s then cut with this error[edit | edit source]

VoIP Analyser - Call rejected with 480 after 20s
SIP/2.0 480 Temporarily Unavailable
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.11.29.1 i.EUWE.3
Reason: Q.850 ;cause=31 ;text="...;Could not obtain destination from voicemail workflow."

Calls answered by voicemail all the time[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: All calls towards a number are answered by a voicemail
  • Example: You have 3 users within a VPBX group and one of them is not connected ( PC shutdown ), all calls will be answered by his voicemail
  • Solution: Please read VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Disable_Call_redirection_to_Voicemail section below

Spam Call Blocking - Caller being asked : "Please press XX to connect the call"[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: Some incoming calls towards your Teams number are being requested to press 2 digits to connect the call
  • Explanation: When you receive a call from someone that is changing its number to a service number like a 058.. or a 0848.. or calling from a number that Microsoft classified as suspicious, caller could be impacted by this feature
  • History:
    • 2021-09: This feature is being pushed by Microsoft since September 2021 ( cf link below )
    • 2021-11: This feature is not only showing a popup about possible Spam, but it is also blocking calls with an IVR asking to enter 2 digits in English and it is not possible to see it from Web Admin Center
  • Additional Information: Please refer to https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/public-sector-blog/september-2021-microsoft-365-us-public-sector-roadmap-newsletter/ba-p/2745689 and search for "MC277640 – Spam Notification in Call Toast"
  • Solution: Follow procedure below
  1. Start a powershell window
  2. Use command Connect-MicrosoftTeams and enter your Teams Admin credentials
  3. Use command Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -Identity Global -SpamFilteringEnabledType "Disabled"
  4. Wait a few minutes for the change to be active
  5. Disconnect from Teams Management
 # Connect to Microsoft Teams management
 # Disable the SpamFilteringEnabledType option, if needed, you can enable it back by setting parameter back to "Enabled" value
 Set-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -Identity Global -SpamFilteringEnabledType "Disabled"
 # Unfortunately for the time being, you cannot see your changes in command line nor in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/calling 
 Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy -Identity Global -Verbose
 # Logout
MC277640 – Spam Notification in Call Toast

Busy on Busy - Disable Call Waiting[edit | edit source]

  • Information: By default call waiting is enabled on Microsoft Teams which mean that if you are already on the phone, you will keep receiving incoming calls that will trigger a popup and a bip even if you are already on the phone
  • Problematic: You would like to enable "Busy on Busy" or disable "Call Waiting" not to be bothered by an incoming call when you are already on the phone
  • Solutions: Follow one of the 2 solutions below
    • (Virtual Teams) : You can disable "Call Waiting / Signal d'appel" from the Kiosk on your user
    • Assign to your users a new Calling Policy "Disable Call Waiting", cf below

Create a Calling Policy "Disable Call Waiting"

  1. Read the "Busy on Busy" section from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-calling-policy
  2. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/calling and create a new Calling Policy
    1. Name : Disable Call Waiting
    2. Description : Allow to disable Call Waiting by enabling Busy on Busy feature
    3. Tick Busy on busy is available when in a call
    4. Keep all other settings with default values
  3. Select the user you wish to modify in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users
    1. Go in the "Policies" tab of the user
    2. Edit the "Assigned policies" and set "Calling policy" = "Disable Call Waiting"
  4. Save the setting
Teams Admin - Create a calling policy - Disable Call Waiting
Teams Admin - Add Calling Policy to a user

Outgoing Call[edit | edit source]

I cannot call a colleague not using Teams yet / not using Teams anymore dialing his +e164 number on this VTX Teams service[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Once you have assigned an +e164 number to a Teams user using VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts, if you dial this number from Teams, it will be intercepted by Teams as a local call and will ring only on the Teams account of your coworker
  • Symptoms: I am calling a colleague with Teams dialing his +e164 number and it is not working because this colleague is not using Teams on this service anymore / yet
  • Solution: Use one of the 2 solution below to have you call towards your colleague +e164 number going out to VTX to be handled as a normal call
  1. Use VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts to remove the number to from the Teams user
  2. or simply remove the "Phone System" license from this user. Warning: Once license is removed, it is not possible to purge the "OnPremLineURI" from the user, but it is not used anymore anyway

Caller ID policies : I am not able to set a Caller ID policy[edit | edit source]

Teams - Caller ID Policies - Cannot define a number

CLIP : Number Display - I wish to display a different number than my direct line for my outgoing calls[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: For outgoing calls, you wish to display a number that is different than your direct line number
  • Information: By default, you will be allowed to display any number belonging to your trunk ( visible in Kiosk ). If you try to display a number that doesn't belong to your trunk, the system will fallback to your direct line
  • Solutions: 2 solutions are possible, one from Teams Admin Center, and another one from VTX Kiosk
  • Solution from Teams:
  1. Read https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/caller-id-policies : You can create Caller-ID policy to have some users displaying some resources account numbers (Auto Attendant or Call Queue)
  2. Go in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/callinglineid and create a new Caller-ID policy by setting the number that you wish to display
  3. Go in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users and set the new caller-ID policy to the users that need to use it
  4. Wait some minutes
  5. Now these users will display the service number for outgoing calls
  • Solution from VTX Kiosk:
  1. Display my company main number : Connect to your Kiosk https://kiosk.vtx.ch/VoIP/ListNumbers.aspx ( My Services / Telephony / Manager your numbers ) / Edit number / Outgoing calls and change number to be displayed
  2. Display another number belonging to me like my Mobile or a 08x number : Contact VTX to add a "Virtual Number"
  3. Display any number / Forward Caller Number : Contact VTX to enable "Special Arrangement"

Change number to be displayed in Teams Admin Center

Teams Admin Center - Create Caller-ID policy
Teams Admin Center - Assign Caller ID Policy to users

Change number to be displayed in Kiosk

Kiosk - Change number to be displayed

Here is a table explaining what number will be displayed

Number you wish to display

(From SIP Header)

Number you wish to Bill


"Special Arrangement" setting in VTX CRM Option D'affichage in Kiosk

(PS: Any number belonging to you could be added by VTX in this list as "Virtual Number")

Number that will be displayed

(out From SIP Header)

Real Caller Number

(out P-Asserted-Identity)

Your direct line A Your direct line A % Your direct line A Your direct line A Your direct line A
Your direct line A Your direct line A % Another number belonging to you B and managed by VTX

( like a group number, headnumber, INA number... )

Another number belonging to you B Another number belonging to you B
Your direct line A Your direct line A % Another number belonging to you B and not managed by VTX
Another number belonging to you B Your direct line A
An external number like a mobile Your direct line A No N/A Your direct line A Your direct line A
An external number like a mobile Your direct line A Yes N/A An external number like a mobile Your direct line A

Special Arrangement : I wish to keep the number of the caller being displayed when redirecting call to an external number[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You are redirecting incoming call towards and external number and you wish to keep the number of the caller being displayed on remote destination
  • Problem: Since you are trying to display a number that doesn't belong to your trunk, it is not allowed and caller id will fallback to your direct line
  • Solution: Ask VTX to enable the "Special Arrangement" on your trunk, and also ask VTX to add a "+1" to push the project "#2304 - [Kiosk] ConnectPABX - Be Able to Manage Special Arrangement and Number Format from Kiosk Directly"

CLIR : Hide my phone number[edit | edit source]

  1. Open your Teams app, go in the Settings menu / Calls tab
  2. Scroll down to the "Caller ID" part
  3. Tick the option "Hide my phone number and profile information for all calls"
  4. Now you can call out hiding your number

Teams app settings - Hide my phone number and profile information for all calls

Teams - Hide my caller ID

Check CDR and Audio Quality Problem[edit | edit source]

Control Call Quality[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You had a report of poor call quality and you wish to check the statistics of the call
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users
  2. Select your user
  3. Go in the "Call history" tab
  4. Select the call you wish to analyze ( and look at the "Audio quality" )
  5. Click on the "Network" icon to get access to network stats
    1. Call Quality : Look at the call quality Good Quality or Poor Quality
    2. Round-Trip-Time : Look at the Round-Trip-Time, it should be below 150ms, above it, you have a network problem
    3. Packet Loss: On a perfect network, there should not be any packet loss, but some packet loss could appear during call setup.

Teams Admin - Call History
Teams Admin - Call Logs - Bad Call Quality
Teams Admin - Call Logs - Good Call Quality

Audio Delay problem[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: You have huge delay over your Teams client that prevent you from having a normal interaction with your interlocutor
  • Possible Audio Delay source : RDP, Internet Connection, VPN, Team cloud problem
  • Problematic : You need to perform some tests to identify the source of the problem
  • Test Call numbers
    • "/testcall" ( "/Testanruf" in German ): Teams test call number that can be used to test latency within Teams Cloud. Simply call "/testcall" ( "/Testanruf" in German ) from Teams Call Tab to test latency between your Teams_Client <-> Teams_Cloud
    • +41225117902 : VTX Echo Test number will echo back what you are saying allow you to check audio latency between your Teams_Client <-> Teams_Cloud <-> VTX_SBC <-> VTX_Echo_Test_Server
  • Checks to perform : Here are checks to perform to find the source of the latency
  1. Control Call Quality: Use previous section to check the call Quality of the calls, cf VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Control_Call_Quality
  2. Teams Service Health Check : Control if Teams is acknowledging a problem VoIP:VTX Teams Virtual#Service_Health_-_Get_notified_when_there_is_a_problem_with_MS_Teams
  3. Testcalls: Use testcall numbers above to test if problem comes from Teams cloud or from Teams Cloud <-> VTX Platform interconnection
  4. RDP/VPN : Disable RDP ( use a local Teams client ), disable your VPN and test again
  5. Speedtest : Use https://speed.vtx.ch to test your connection
  • How to solve the problem
  1. Teams Cloud Problem : Wait that Microsoft solves the problem
  2. Network Problem
    1. RDP : Try using a local Teams client and not one over RDP
    2. VPN : Try to disable your VPN and test again
    3. QOS : If you have an intelligent Firewall that could setup QOS, you should setup QOS towards Teams Platform, cf Network:Firewall:Configuration#Teams_Connect.2FVirtual_Firewall_Rules
  3. Get help from VTX Support if needed
Teams - Echo Test /testcall

Voicemail Management[edit | edit source]

Disable Call redirection to Voicemail[edit | edit source]

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Application
  2. Click on your user icon and go in the Settings parameters
  3. Go in the Calls tab
  4. In the "If not answered" section, select "Do Nothing" instead of "Voicemail"
Teams Settings - Calls - Disable redirection to voicemail

PS: You can also disable the Voicemail using Powershell ( cf https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/set-csonlinevoicemailusersettings?view=skype-ps for more information )

Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $false

VoicemailEnabled                         : False
PromptLanguage                           : en-US
OofGreetingEnabled                       : False
OofGreetingFollowAutomaticRepliesEnabled : False
OofGreetingFollowCalendarEnabled         : False
ShareData                                : False
CallAnswerRule                           : RegularVoicemail
DefaultGreetingPromptOverwrite           :
DefaultOofGreetingPromptOverwrite        :
TransferTarget                           :

Change Voicemail Settings ( Language, record prompt, Text to speech, ...)[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to change some settings of your voicemail like the language of the prompt
  • Information: The default language of your user will depend on the default language selected by your administrator. But you can change it in this menu
  • Solution: Follow the following procedure
  1. Open Microsoft Teams Application
  2. Click on your user icon and go in the Settings parameters
  3. Go in the Calls tab
  4. Click on the Configure Voicemail" button and change the settings you wish to change ( Language, record record prompt, Text to speech, ... )
Teams Settings - Calls - Setup Voicemail

PS: You can also change the Voicemail Language settings using Powershell ( cf https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/set-csonlinevoicemailusersettings?view=skype-ps for more information )

Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $true -PromptLanguage de-DE
Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $true -PromptLanguage fr-FR
Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $true -PromptLanguage en-US

VoicemailEnabled                         : True
PromptLanguage                           : en-US
OofGreetingEnabled                       : False
OofGreetingFollowAutomaticRepliesEnabled : False
OofGreetingFollowCalendarEnabled         : False
ShareData                                : False
CallAnswerRule                           : RegularVoicemail
DefaultGreetingPromptOverwrite           :
DefaultOofGreetingPromptOverwrite        :
TransferTarget                           :

CPE MS Teams[edit | edit source]

Easy Login for an IP Phone Teams Edition using a PC[edit | edit source]

  1. Power up the MS Teams edition phone on a working network
  2. Click on the screen asking that you wish to login from a remote PC
  3. Click on this link on your PC https://microsoft.com/devicelogin
  4. Type the code that it visible on the phone
  5. Enter the Teams credentials of the phone
  6. Done, your phone will connect with the correct account

MS Teams - CPE Login from PC

SIP Devices Phone Management[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Since 2022, you can now also link a lot of SIP Phones with your Teams account in order to receive Teams Phone calls on them
  • Problematic: You wish to map a SIP Phone to your Teams account
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below ( Additional Information available in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/sip-gateway-configure )
  1. Compatible CPE: Verify that your Phone model is listed in https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/sip-gateway-plan#compatible-devices
  2. Allow SIP Devices: Go to the Teams Admin Center / Voice / Calling policies : https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/calling
    1. Edit the Main Calling Policies you are using ( usually the "Global" one )
    2. Enable "SIP devices can be used for calls", and then select Save. You might need to wait a little bit afterwards
  3. CPE Reset
    1. Remove your SIP Device from any provisioning or redirection server ( @VTX: Simple unmap the SIP account in the Kiosk )
    2. Factory reset the phone
  4. Declare CPE : Go to the Teams Admin Center / Team devices / SIP devices : https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/sipdevices
    1. Click the "Actions" top right corner button / Provision Devices
    2. Add the MAC address of the phone
    3. Connect to the phone web interface and set the provisioning URL to http://emea.ipp.sdg.teams.microsoft.com
    4. Restart the phone.
    5. It will get a Teams logo and might upgrade/downgrade firmware
    6. Follow wizard in web interface, you will be asked to dial a number from the phone to authenticate it like *55*<code>
    7. Then the phone will be linked to the platform, now you need to link it with a user
  5. Link phone with a Teams account
    1. Keep following the wizard
    2. You will be asked to ask end user to connect to https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the activation code to link the phone with the Teams account
    3. Once done, you can wait or reboot the phone and you will start receiving Teams calls on your SIP device

Teams - add SIP Device
Teams - Link SIP Device to Users

Teams Edition Phone Management[edit | edit source]

Use a configuration Template to setup Language and Timezone on the phones[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Phone setup could be managed from Teams Management interface. You can setup some parameters like language, timezone and other options, ...
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones-configprofile and click the Add button
    1. Create a new Configuration Profile changing default parameters with your needs
    2. Timezone: Warning, Switzerland location timezone for Daylight Saving mode is buggy, please use Paris timezone instead. Bug reported to Yealink in " Issue: T58V MS Teams - Daylight Daving problem Switzerland/Bern (ID:105846)"
    3. If it is still not working afterwards and pending Fix, connect on the phone, go in Time&Date setup and set "Location = Paris"
  2. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones
    1. Select the phones for which you wish to set the new profile
    2. Click the "Assign configuration" button and select the newly created profile you created
  3. Be patient, it takes a few minutes/hours for the change to be push towards the phones
MS Teams Admin - Create a configuration profile
MS Teams Admin - Assign a configuration to some phones

Manage your Teams IP Phones ( firmware upgrade, reboot, screenshot, network capture,... )[edit | edit source]

  • Information: You can manage your phones behind your Teams environment directly from Teams Admin Web Interface
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones and execute the actions you wish to do
  2. Ex: Firmware Update : Select all your phones and enable automatic update with a 90 days delay, so you keep your phones up to date but you are not the 1st customer to beta test a new firmware

Contacts Management[edit | edit source]

"Your contacts are out and about - Let's bring them in" : Empty contact list[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: When you go in the contact tab of your Teams phone, you do see an empty list with the message "Your contacts are out and about - Let's bring them in"
  • Explanation: This tab will only show you your own and favorites contacts
  • Solution: Use the following procedure
  1. Use the search icon at the top right corner to search for a Teams Contact ( you can call it from there )
  2. Once you have displayed the contact, you can also use the "..." menu to add this contact if your "All Contacts" list
MS Teams Phone - Empty list

Debug Phone[edit | edit source]

Download Device logs[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You wish to get the phone device logs to be able to analyze a problem
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones
  2. Select the phone you wish to analyse by clicking on its name
  3. Click the "Download device logs" button
  4. Wait 10 minutes
  5. Click the "History" tab to download the "Diagnostic file"
MS Teams Phone - "Download device logs"
MS Teams Phone - "Get Diagnostic file"

Other Questions[edit | edit source]

External Access - Allow to chat and call any other Microsoft Teams user[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to be able to chat and talk with other company also using Microsoft Teams ( and also Skype )
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/company-wide-settings/external-communications
  2. Set Users can communicate with other Skype for Business and Teams users = On
Microsoft Teams Admin - Allow external access

Service Health - Get notified when there is a problem with MS Teams[edit | edit source]

  • Information: You can setup Teams Service Health notification in the Admin Center . It will allow you to receive emails when there is a problem with MS Teams platform, or new features
  • Solution : Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.microsoft.com/adminportal/home#/servicehealth
  2. Go to Preferences / Email tab
    1. Setup an email and tick "Send me email notification about service health"
    2. In "Include these issue types" : Tick "Incidents" and "Advisories"
    3. In "Include these services" : Tick at least "Teams"

Microsoft Admin Center - Service Health - Notification

How to unassign numbers[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to unmap a number from Teams
  • Solution: Use one of the procedure below
  1. If the user is not needed anymore you can simply delete the user in admin center, it will unmap the number
  2. (Virtual Teams only): Additionally you need to unmap the "Microsoft Teams Virtual" license in the Hardware Module: Unassign the Microsoft Teams Virtual license
  3. Use the VTX Powershell Script "VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1" to remove the number from a user: Unassign numbers using the VTX Powershell Script VTX_Teams_Assign_Numbers.ps1
  4. Use Powershell Command Prompt "Remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment" to manually remove the number from the user: Unassign numbers manually in Powershell Command Prompt - Remove-CsPhoneNumberAssignment

VTX VPBX Groups[edit | edit source]

ACD Group Name not displayed - Sometimes I do not see if I am receiving a direct call or a call via a VTX Kiosk ACD Group if caller is "known"[edit | edit source]

  • Information: On Teams Virtual, when you do receive a call via a VTX Kiosk ACD group, the name of the ACD Group is displayed for the incoming call ( cf screenshot below ). This information like "Fwd:628xx 022566xxxx OpsVoIP Ticket ACD" allows you to know that you are receiving a call from 022566xxxx number via the Kiosk VPBX Group "OpsVoIP Ticket ACD" forwarded by internal number 628xx and answer the call accordingly.
  • Problem: If the number 021721xxxx is known by Teams platform ( like a coworker number ), Teams will erase the information and replace it only with the "FirstName LastName" of your contact
  • Symptoms: You are receiving a call on a VTX Kiosk Group, but you do not see this information because MS Teams knows the caller number.
  • Solution ( not available yet ): We should have an option in MS Teams Cloud setup not to overwrite the "SIP Display Name" sends by the "Direct Routing", but there is no such option for the time being
  • Workaround ( but not perfect at all ): For incoming call reverse lookup, define your contact in the VTX Kiosk and in Teams
  • Additional Information (@VTX only): Please refer to redmine #58440

ACD - Unknown Caller - Showing ACD Name information
ACD - Known Caller - Team overwriting Diplay Name hiding ACD Group information

My Teams phone does not ring in a VTX Kiosk VPBX group whereas I am available again[edit | edit source]

  • Information:
    • All new Kiosk VPBX groups that are created are using the ACD technology. This ACD group is missing an option that we call "Call waiting for a group" that is not implemented yet
    • Usually, when an agent is handling a call in the ACD call queue group, he is not supposed to handle another one, either they are handled by someone else in the Group, or the caller stays in a queue pending one agent to be free
  • Symptoms: You do belong to a VPBX group and did transfer a call to someone else, so you are free again to receive new calls, but you do not receive new calls in the group until your previously answered call gets hangup
  • Problem: When a call is transferred internally between 2 teams users, the information that the call has been transferred is not sent to VTX platform, so the platform does not know that the agent of the group is free to receive calls again
  • Possible Future Solutions on which VTX is working but without any ETA:
  1. Implement "Media Bypass + ICE" that will allow to have the transfer information reported back to the VTX platform to be able to know when an Teams agent is free again
  2. Implement #34344 - S.mon 94359 - [ACD] Migration - Implement "Consider Busy Agents"
  • Possible Workaround:
  1. Not recommended - Create an old CallQueue group (only VTX can do that) : Would allow to enable "Consider Busy Agents" but is triggering other bugs and is not supported anymore
  2. Complex Use Teams Group : Use group in Teams Admin Center to use group on Teams side, cf VoIP:VTX_Teams_Connect#Resource_Management
  3. Use number instead of group if possible : It possible, Have the reception not using a group, sending call to the direct number of the person, and not to a group
  4. Migrate to 100% Full VTX VPBX : i.e use VTX Softphones and not the Teams ones
  5. Migrate to 100% Teams Solution : i.e migrate to VoIP:VTX_Teams_Connect