
From VTX Public Wiki

Revision as of 09:01, 13 January 2021 by Mlr (talk | contribs) (→‎Outgoing Call: Add I cannot call a colleague not using Teams yet / not using Teams anymore dialing his +e164 number on this VTX Teams service)

General Questions[edit | edit source]

Where can I find Microsoft Teams Admin and End User trainings ?[edit | edit source]

What are the differences between a "Teams Connect" and a "Teams Virtual" ?[edit | edit source]

Teams Connect Teams Virtual
Short Description VTX handles "only" the connection between Teams Cloud and the Telephony Network allowing you to operates real phone numbers on your Teams Client Teams Virtual allows an hybrid environment with SIP Phones and Teams Phones

The Intelligence remains handled in the VTX Kiosk

Analogy Like a VTX ConnectPBX product but to be used only with Teams Cloud ( preconfigured for Teams by VTX with a lot of automation ) a VTX VPBX service allowing you to use MS Teams client in parallel of normal SIP phones
VTX Service and Licenses Needed a "Teams Connect" ( billed per number of concurrent calls + number of numbers )

N/A per user

a VPBX Service ( billed per number of numbers )

a "Teams Virtual" license per user

Microsoft Licenses Needed Microsoft Teams per user

Microsoft Phone System per user

Microsoft Teams per user

Microsoft Phone System per user

Pros - Simple and Basic solution from VTX to add real numbers to your Teams accounts

- "Cheap" solution to use Microsoft Teams

- Allows an hybrid solution if you do not wish to have all your users and landing Zone to

use Microsoft Licenses.

- You can use a mix of simple SIP phones ( Gigaset, Snom, Yealink,... ), VTX Softphones (DeskopControl / MobileControl), Teams Softphones and Yealink Teams phones within the same user or on different users

- Allows to handle all Time Conditions and IVR and Groups within VTX Kiosk

Cons - Management of all intelligence in Teams Admin in less sexy than in the VTX Kiosk

- Doesn't allow to operate simple SIP phones within the same VTX service

Keep my @company.ch domain : Can I use VTX Teams service with my own Teams domain @company.ch ?[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You do own a Microsoft Teams domain like company.ch and you would like to integrate the accounts you have within a "VTX Teams Connect" or "VTX Teams Virtual"
  • Information:
    • When subscribing to a VTX Teams service, VTX will provide you with a teams domain like xxxx.teams.ipvoip.ch . This domain will be used to bridge your own Teams accounts ending with "@company.ch" with the VTX service. You will never need to force this domain for your end user
    • During the VTX Teams service setup, you will be asked to create one temporarily user with the @xxxx.teams.ipvoip.ch domain, but only one, and you can delete it as soon as service is running
    • The scrips provided by VTX will allow you to assign numbers to your @company.ch Teams users
  • Conclusion: Yes, you can use your own Teams domain @company.ch with VTX Teams service, no need to change your users domain

Multi-Provider : Can I use VTX Teams service in parallel of other provider services ?[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You do already have another provider that handles the telephony Direct trunking and you wish to also integrate a VTX Teams service
  • Information: VTX does provide a unique teams domain per service and also create unique Call Routing rules including this unique ID
  • Conclusion: Yes, it is possible to setup a VTX Teams service in parallel of an existing service from another provider. You will select which number is handled by which provider.

Frequent Errors[edit | edit source]

New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy - Cannot find specified Online PSTN usage[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: When we run the script to create the call routing, you might get a red error that New-CsOnlineVoiceRoutingPolicy is not working
  • Symptoms: When running the script to create the call routing, you might get an error "Cannot find specified Online PSTN usage"
  • Possible Explanation:
    • You forgot to create the temporary User "enableteams"
    • MS Teams platform is getting some delay and between the time we create the Online PSTN usage and the time we use it in Online Voice Routing Policy, we need to wait for Teams platform to get up to date
  • Solution:
  1. Verify that you did create the "enableteam" user, cf FAQ:Teams#Create_a_temporarily_user_in_the_.3Cservicenumber.3E.teams.ipvoip.ch_domain
  2. Wait up to 4h and try again to use the script again

As you can see after some time, the same command did work

Teams Error - Cannot Find Online PSTN Usage - Wait a few hours and try again

Cannot Import Module SkypeOnlineConnector[edit | edit source]

Confirmation of the problem, here Execution Policy is Restricted, i.e disabled



Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force


Error that you are getting

Modules d'importation : Le fichier "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business
Online\Modules\SkypeOnlineConnectorSkypeOnlineConnectorStartup.psm1" ne peut pas être chargé, car l'exécution de
Les scripts sont désactivés sur ce système. Pour plus d'informations, voir "about_Execution_Policies".
En ligne:1 Caractère:1
+ modules d'importation "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Skype for Business Onlin ...

+ CategoryInfo : Erreur de sécurité : ( 🙂 [Modules d'importation], PSSecurityException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand

Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint : The remote name could not be resolved: 'lyncdiscover.xxx'[edit | edit source]

  • Problem : You get an red colored error when using the scripts
  • Symptoms: When starting to use a powershell script or command, you get an error like Get-CsOnlinePowerShellEndpoint : The remote name could not be resolved: 'lyncdiscover.xxx'
  • Possible Explanation: You are using an admin account where needed lyncdiscover.$DOMAIN DNS entry is not set correctly
  • Solution: You need to create the needed DNS entries on your main domain enabling the "Skype For Business" DNS check on your main domain in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/Domains
  • Workaround : Add the suffix "-OverrideAdminDomain $MSTeamsDomain" to the New-CsOnlineSession command

Teams Script - lyncdiscover error because DNS entry doesn't exist
Teams DNS entries - Create the needed DNS entries

AD Sync Problem[edit | edit source]

What are the numbers defined and used in Teams ?[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Teams is using the LineURI and OnPremLineURI parameters to define the number to be used by Teams ( cf below )
  • Problem: If you do have an AD sync with Azure Cloud that is overwriting these parameter, Teams telephony calls towards external numbers will stop working
  • Symptoms: You are getting a "404 Not found" error on incoming calls
  • Solution: Please follow the procedure below
  1. Use FAQ:Teams#Verify_User_Setup to verify that number currently set for the Teams user
  2. Make sure your AD sync is not overwritten these fields or make sure it does set the same numbers
  3. Re-assign the number in Teams using FAQ:Teams#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts

Output of a Teams user listing all fields that contains a Switzerland number

# Set Variables
$MSTeamsUserEmail = "first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com"
# Connect to Microsoft Teams management and assign number and profile to the user
$Session = New-CsOnlineSession
Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber

Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $MSTeamsUserEmail | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "41\d{9}"
OnPremLineURI                        : tel:+412156600xx
LineURI                              : tel:+412156600xx

'OriginalRegistrarPool' with identity 'xxx' assigned to 'sip:first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com' has been removed from configuration store[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: When assigning a number to your user, you set this error """OriginalRegistrarPool' with identity 'xxx' assigned to 'sip:first.last@MSDOMAIN.onmicrosoft.com' has been removed from configuration store"""
  • Information: When you are assigning a Teams number to a user, it might cleanup some old parameters used by old Lync setup like the OriginalRegistrarPool. This is normal and only a WARNING, not a ERROR
  • Solution : Please follow the procedure below
  1. Use [[FAQ:Teams#Verify_User_Setup] to verify that number has been correctly setup for your user
  2. Use the command "Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $MSTeamsUserEmail" to get the full details output of the user you are debugging and look at the "TeamsUpgrade" and "RegistrarPool" outputs
  3. Search your error on Teams Forum
  4. If needed, get help from VTX

PS H:\> Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $MSTeamsUserEmail | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "TeamsUpgrade"
TeamsUpgradeEffectiveMode            : TeamsOnly
TeamsUpgradeNotificationsEnabled     : False
TeamsUpgradePolicyIsReadOnly         : ModeAndNotifications
TeamsUpgradePolicy                   :
TeamsUpgradeOverridePolicy           :
PS H:\> Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity $MSTeamsUserEmail | Out-String -Stream | Select-String -Pattern "RegistrarPool"
TargetRegistrarPool                  :
RegistrarPool                        : sippoolAM48976.infra.lync.com

Incoming Call Problem[edit | edit source]

403 Forbidden : License Problem / User is not Enterprise Voice enabled[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: You are calling a Teams number and you get a 403 error all the time from Teams
  • Solution: Use FAQ:Teams#Verify_User_Setup to verify that your user is setup correctly and enable back the correct license
VoIP Analyser - Call Rejected because of bad license
SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
Server: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.11.29.1 i.EUWE.3
Reason: Q.850 ;cause=63 ;text="...;User is not Enterprise Voice enabled."

404 Not found : Number hasn't been assigned[edit | edit source]

  • Problem: You cannot call a Microsoft Teams number
  • Status: You have assigned a number to a "Microsoft Teams Virtual" in the Kiosk Hardware Module or the number belongs to a "Teams Connect", but incoming call towards this number are not working and are rejected.
  • Symptoms: When calling the number, you get a "404 Not Found" Number hasn't been assigned error
  • Check to perform 1:
  1. (VoIP Analyzer for VTX Partners) Using VoIP Analyser, check the status of the number and verify that call was rejected by Microsoft Proxy with a 404 error
  2. (Teams Domain) Verify in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/Domains that you did enable the <service_number>.teams.ipvoip.ch domain for MS Teams
  3. (Teams + Phone System) Verify in https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/users that you did enable Teams + Phone System to your user
  4. (Number) Verify in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users that you did assign the correct Phone number to your user

VoIP Analyser - Call sent to Teams but rejected

480 Temporarily Unavailable : Call ringing for 20s then cut with this error[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: You are calling a Teams number , call is ringing for 20s then call is cut with a 480 error
  • Possible Explanation: You have a 20s redirection setup on the Teams client towards nothing
  • Solution: Please read FAQ:Teams#Disable_Call_redirection_to_Voicemail section below

VoIP Analyser - Call rejected with 480 after 20s
SIP/2.0 480 Temporarily Unavailable
SERVER: Microsoft.PSTNHub.SIPProxy v.2020.11.29.1 i.EUWE.3
Reason: Q.850 ;cause=31 ;text="...;Could not obtain destination from voicemail workflow."

Calls answered by voicemail all the time[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: All calls towards a number are answered by a voicemail
  • Example: You have 3 users within a VPBX group and one of them is not connected ( PC shutdown ), all calls will be answered by his voicemail
  • Solution: Please read FAQ:Teams#Disable_Call_redirection_to_Voicemail section below

Busy on Busy - Disable Call Waiting[edit | edit source]

  • Information: By default call waiting is enabled on Microsoft Teams which mean that if you are already on the phone, you will keep receiving incoming calls that will trigger a popup and a bip even if you are already on the phone
  • Problematic: You would like to enable "Busy on Busy" or disable "Call Waiting" not to be bothered by an incoming call when you are already on the phone
  • Solutions: Follow one of the 2 solutions below
    • (Virtual Teams) : You can disable "Call Waiting / Signal d'appel" from the Kiosk on your user
    • Assign to your users a new Calling Policy "Disable Call Waiting", cf below

Create a Calling Policy "Disable Call Waiting"

  1. Read the "Busy on Busy" section from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-calling-policy
  2. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/calling and create a new Calling Policy
    1. Name : Disable Call Waiting
    2. Description : Allow to disable Call Waiting by enabling Busy on Busy feature
    3. Tick Busy on busy is available when in a call
    4. Keep all other settings with default values
  3. Select the user you wish to modify in https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users
    1. Go in the "Policies" tab of the user
    2. Edit the "Assigned policies" and set "Calling policy" = "Disable Call Waiting"
  4. Save the setting
Teams Admin - Create a calling policy - Disable Call Waiting
Teams Admin - Add Calling Policy to a user

Outgoing Call[edit | edit source]

I cannot call a colleague not using Teams yet / not using Teams anymore dialing his +e164 number on this VTX Teams service[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Once you have assigned an +e164 number to a Teams user using FAQ:Teams#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts, if you dial this number from Teams, it will be intercepted by Teams as a local call and will ring only on the Teams account of your coworker
  • Symptoms: I am calling a colleague with Teams dialing his +e164 number and it is not working because this colleague is not using Teams on this service anymore / yet
  • Solution: Use one of the 2 solution below to have you call towards your colleague +e164 number going out to VTX to be handled as a normal call
  1. Use FAQ:Teams#Number_Mapping_:_Assign_numbers_to_Microsoft_accounts to remove the number to from the Teams user
  2. or simply remove the "Phone System" license from this user. Warning: Once license is removed, it is not possible to purge the "OnPremLineURI" from the user, but it is not used anymore anyway

Caller ID policies : I am not able to set a Caller ID policy[edit | edit source]

Teams - Caller ID Policies - Cannot define a number

CLIP : Number Display - I wish to display a different number than my direct line for my outgoing calls[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: For outgoing calls, you wish to display a number that is different than your direct line number
  • Information: By default, you will be allowed to display any number belonging to your trunk ( visible in Kiosk ). If you try to display a number that doesn't belong to your trunk, the system will fallback to your direct line
  • Solution:
  1. Display my company main number : Connect to your Kiosk https://kiosk.vtx.ch/VoIP/ListNumbers.aspx ( My Services / Telephony / Manager your numbers ) / Edit number / Outgoing calls and change number to be displayed
  2. Display another number belonging to me like my Mobile or a 08x number : Contact VTX to add a "Virtual Number"
  3. Display any number / Forward Caller Number : Contact VTX to enable "Special Arrangement"

Change number to be displayed in Kiosk

Kiosk - Change number to be displayed

Here is a table explaining what number will be displayed

Number you wish to display

(From SIP Header)

Number you wish to Bill


"Special Arrangement" setting in VTX CRM Option D'affichage in Kiosk

(PS: Any number belonging to you could be added by VTX in this list as "Virtual Number")

Number that will be displayed

(out From SIP Header)

Real Caller Number

(out P-Asserted-Identity)

Your direct line A Your direct line A % Your direct line A Your direct line A Your direct line A
Your direct line A Your direct line A % Another number belonging to you B and managed by VTX

( like a group number, headnumber, INA number... )

Another number belonging to you B Another number belonging to you B
Your direct line A Your direct line A % Another number belonging to you B and not managed by VTX
Another number belonging to you B Your direct line A
An external number like a mobile Your direct line A No N/A Your direct line A Your direct line A
An external number like a mobile Your direct line A Yes N/A An external number like a mobile Your direct line A

Special Arrangement : I wish to keep the number of the caller being displayed when redirecting call to an external number[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You are redirecting incoming call towards and external number and you wish to keep the number of the caller being displayed on remote destination
  • Problem: Since you are trying to display a number that doesn't belong to your trunk, it is not allowed and caller id will fallback to your direct line
  • Solution: Ask VTX to enable the "Special Arrangement" on your trunk, and also ask VTX to add a "+1" to push the project "#2304 - [Kiosk] ConnectPABX - Be Able to Manage Special Arrangement and Number Format from Kiosk Directly"

CLIR : Hide my phone number[edit | edit source]

  1. Open your Teams app, go in the Settings menu / Calls tab
  2. Scroll down to the "Caller ID" part
  3. Tick the option "Hide my phone number and profile information for all calls"
  4. Now you can call out hiding your number

Teams app settings - Hide my phone number and profile information for all calls

Teams - Hide my caller ID

Audio Quality Problem[edit | edit source]

Control Call Quality[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You had a report of poor call quality and you wish to check the statistics of the call
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/users
  2. Select your user
  3. Go in the "Call history" tab
  4. Select the call you wish to analyze ( and look at the "Audio quality" )
  5. Click on the "Network" icon to get access to network stats
    1. Call Quality : Look at the call quality Good Quality or Poor Quality
    2. Round-Trip-Time : Look at the Round-Trip-Time, it should be below 150ms, above it, you have a network problem
    3. Packet Loss: On a perfect network, there should not be any packet loss, but some packet loss could appear during call setup.

Teams Admin - Call History
Teams Admin - Call Logs - Call Quality

Audio Delay problem[edit | edit source]

  • Symptoms: You have huge delay over your Teams client that prevent you from having a normal interaction with your interlocutor
  • Possible Audio Delay source : RDP, Internet Connection, VPN, Team cloud problem
  • Problematic : You need to perform some tests to identify the source of the problem
  • Test Call numbers
    • "/testcall" : Teams test call number that can be used to test latency within Teams Cloud. Simply call "/testcall" from Teams Call Tab to test latency between your Teams_Client <-> Teams_Cloud
    • +41225117902 : VTX Echo Test number will echo back what you are saying allow you to check audio latency between your Teams_Client <-> Teams_Cloud <-> VTX_SBC <-> VTX_Echo_Test_Server
  • Checks to perform : Here are checks to perform to find the source of the latency
  1. Control Call Quality: Use previous section to check the call Quality of the calls, cf FAQ:Teams#Control_Call_Quality
  2. Teams Service Health Check : Control if Teams is acknowledging a problem FAQ:Teams#Service_Health_-_Get_notified_when_there_is_a_problem_with_MS_Teams
  3. Testcalls: Use testcall numbers above to test if problem comes from Teams cloud or from Teams Cloud <-> VTX Platform interconnection
  4. RDP/VPN : Disable RDP ( use a local Teams client ), disable your VPN and test again
  5. Speedtest : Use https://speed.vtx.ch to test your connection
  • How to solve the problem
  1. Teams Cloud Problem : Wait that Microsoft solves the problem
  2. Network Problem
    1. RDP : Try using a local Teams client and not one over RDP
    2. VPN : Try to disable your VPN and test again
    3. QOS : If you have an intelligent Firewall that could setup QOS, you should setup QOS towards Teams Platform, cf Network:Firewall:Configuration#Teams_Connect.2FVirtual_Firewall_Rules
  3. Get help from VTX Support if needed
Teams - Echo Test /testcall

Voicemail Management[edit | edit source]

Disable Call redirection to Voicemail[edit | edit source]

  1. Open Microsoft Teams Application
  2. Click on your user icon and go in the Settings parameters
  3. Go in the Calls tab
  4. In the "If not answered" section, select "Do Nothing" instead of "Voicemail"
Teams Settings - Calls - Disable redirection to voicemail

PS: You can also disable the Voicemail using Powershell ( cf https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/set-csonlinevoicemailusersettings?view=skype-ps for more information )

Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $false

VoicemailEnabled                         : False
PromptLanguage                           : en-US
OofGreetingEnabled                       : False
OofGreetingFollowAutomaticRepliesEnabled : False
OofGreetingFollowCalendarEnabled         : False
ShareData                                : False
CallAnswerRule                           : RegularVoicemail
DefaultGreetingPromptOverwrite           :
DefaultOofGreetingPromptOverwrite        :
TransferTarget                           :

Change Voicemail Settings ( Language, record prompt, Text to speech, ...)[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to change some settings of your voicemail like the language of the prompt
  • Information: The default language of your user will depend on the default language selected by your administrator. But you can change it in this menu
  • Solution: Follow the following procedure
  1. Open Microsoft Teams Application
  2. Click on your user icon and go in the Settings parameters
  3. Go in the Calls tab
  4. Click on the Configure Voicemail" button and change the settings you wish to change ( Language, record record prompt, Text to speech, ... )
Teams Settings - Calls - Setup Voicemail

PS: You can also change the Voicemail Language settings using Powershell ( cf https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/set-csonlinevoicemailusersettings?view=skype-ps for more information )

Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $true -PromptLanguage de-DE
Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $true -PromptLanguage fr-FR
Set-CsOnlineVoicemailUserSettings -Identity login@domain.ch -VoicemailEnabled $true -PromptLanguage en-US

VoicemailEnabled                         : True
PromptLanguage                           : en-US
OofGreetingEnabled                       : False
OofGreetingFollowAutomaticRepliesEnabled : False
OofGreetingFollowCalendarEnabled         : False
ShareData                                : False
CallAnswerRule                           : RegularVoicemail
DefaultGreetingPromptOverwrite           :
DefaultOofGreetingPromptOverwrite        :
TransferTarget                           :

CPE MS Teams[edit | edit source]

Easy Login for an IP Phone Teams Edition using a PC[edit | edit source]

  1. Power up the MS Teams edition phone on a working network
  2. Click on the screen asking that you wish to login from a remote PC
  3. Click on this link on your PC https://microsoft.com/devicelogin
  4. Type the code that it visible on the phone
  5. Enter the Teams credentials of the phone
  6. Done, your phone will connect with the correct account

MS Teams - CPE Login from PC

Use a configuration Template to setup Language and Timezone on the phones[edit | edit source]

  • Information: Phone setup could be managed from Teams Management interface. You can setup some parameters like language, timezone and other options, ...
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones-configprofile and click the Add button
    1. Create a new Configuration Profile changing default parameters with your needs
    2. Timezone: Warning, Switzerland location timezone for Daylight Saving mode is buggy, please use Paris timezone instead. Bug reported to Yealink in " Issue: T58V MS Teams - Daylight Daving problem Switzerland/Bern (ID:105846)"
    3. If it is still not working afterwards and pending Fix, connect on the phone, go in Time&Date setup and set "Location = Paris"
  2. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones
    1. Select the phones for which you wish to set the new profile
    2. Click the "Assign configuration" button and select the newly created profile you created
  3. Be patient, it takes a few minutes/hours for the change to be push towards the phones
MS Teams Admin - Create a configuration profile
MS Teams Admin - Assign a configuration to some phones

Manage your Teams IP Phones ( firmware upgrade, reboot, screenshot, network capture,... )[edit | edit source]

  • Information: You can manage your phones behind your Teams environment directly from Teams Admin Web Interface
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/devices/ipphones and execute the actions you wish to do
  2. Ex: Firmware Update : Select all your phones and enable automatic update with a 90 days delay, so you keep your phones up to date but you are not the 1st customer to beta test a new firmware

Other Questions[edit | edit source]

External Access - Allow to chat and call any other Microsoft Teams user[edit | edit source]

  • Problematic: You would like to be able to chat and talk with other company also using Microsoft Teams ( and also Skype )
  • Solution: Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/company-wide-settings/external-communications
  2. Set Users can communicate with other Skype for Business and Teams users = On
Microsoft Teams Admin - Allow external access

Service Health - Get notified when there is a problem with MS Teams[edit | edit source]

  • Information: You can setup Teams Service Health notification in the Admin Center . It will allow you to receive emails when there is a problem with MS Teams platform, or new features
  • Solution : Follow the procedure below
  1. Connect to https://admin.microsoft.com/adminportal/home#/servicehealth
  2. Go to Preferences / Email tab
    1. Setup an email and tick "Send me email notification about service health"
    2. In "Include these issue types" : Tick "Incidents" and "Advisories"
    3. In "Include these services" : Tick at least "Teams"

Microsoft Admin Center - Service Health - Notification